Tag: data classification

Data Classification Fail: Data Stolen at Apple Car

Confidentiality Oaths and Stolen Secrets As Bloomberg first reported, an Apple Inc. engineer has been charged with stealing data from the company that contained car secrets for a prototype driverless car. Jizhong Chen had been working for Apple for about six months, signing a strict confidentiality oath upon being hired.  According to another Apple

XYZ Without Classification – is just (weak) XYZ

It is very clear what I’ve been spouting for years – perimeter security technologies WITHOUT end-user guided, steward-approved and maintained classifications result in lack luster performance, capabilities and increased user frustration – making the (significant) investment negated and oft-times ineffectual. Do you (CIO, CISO, VP InfoSec, SecArch, SecEng, etc.) want

99 days…

Today – we are now <100 (our site shows 99 right now!) days away from GDPR becoming law across the European Union.  As we’ve discussed before – this legislation has world wide implications and I feel (and have validated with many other experts) that this will probably be more intense

Classification and GDPR Compliance – Why?

The Requirement for Classification as part of GDPR Compliance Data privacy in the scope of the GDPR requires a clear understanding of the data you retain. What type of data is being stored, where it is being stored, and who is accessing it are the guiding principles, and classification of this data


ClassiDocs is making generally available an industry-first Artificial Intelligence for Data Classification – adding to its significant technology and market differentiators for structured and unstructured data sets. “Our labs have been researching for some time different technologies to help organizations approach the ultimate in data classification – classifying all data

The NEW classification 101 – The Why & The How

In this post I will reiterate what we have been presenting to partners, analysts and customers alike – from a ‘why we did this’ perspective to a ‘how we did this’ approach. As covered in the previous post, we built this product primarily out of frustration being a user of