
Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Companion Ransomware — 2-for-1 Malware Distribution

As reported in February, Cerber and other ransomware groups are now offering Ransomware-as-a-Service, giving affiliates/partners a percentage of the collected ransom. In a new sort of “two-for-one” malware service deal, Cyren has detected variants of the Kovter click-fraud malware being distributed with “companion” Cerber ransomware by the Kovter malware team.

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IT Security Survey in the UK – 75% Hacked in Past Year

Cyren teamed with Osterman Research to do extensive interviews of IT and security professionals at over 100 small and mid-sized enterprises (SME) in the United Kingdom last month, and the resulting report, IT Security in the UK: 2017 Business Survey, is now available for free download. A summary overview of

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Global Copycats iPhishing Lost iPhones

In a post last month, Brian Krebs related the case of an iPhone user in Brazil who, in attempting to recover their phone, suffered a rather insidious phishing attempt. We also had received an almost identical firsthand account — from someone in Israel. A modest web search immediately turns up

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IAM Concept of the Week: XACML

Concept of the Week blog series – Every week we define and explain the significance of a concept in the world of Identity and Access Management (IAM). Last week we talked about the importance of context and how it describes the sum of all information or attributes that we can

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Krebs Exposed IoT Botnet Mastermind — Think That’s the End?

For several years, cybersecurity professionals have been predicting an impending malware onslaught originating from Internet of Things (IoT) devices—“smart” everyday household items that can connect to the Internet, such as refrigerators, WiFi routers, DVRs, baby monitors, security cameras, thermostats, and so forth. During 2016, the future became the ‘here and

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French Ministry “Survey” Delivers Macro Backdoor

Thinking of moving to France? Soyez très prudent! That form you’re busy filling out may be uploading and downloading files, exfiltrating data, doing reconnaisance of your network — or worse. A criminal malware group behind a sophisticated Excel macro backdoor, which has been targeting Middle Eastern financial institutions since 2015,

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IAM Concept of the Week: Context

Concept of the Week blog series – Every week we define and explain the significance of a concept in the world of Identity and Access Management (IAM). This week let’s discuss the concept of context. Here at Resilient we believe that fundamentally the more information an organization has about an

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The NEW classification 101 – The Why & The How

In this post I will reiterate what we have been presenting to partners, analysts and customers alike – from a ‘why we did this’ perspective to a ‘how we did this’ approach. As covered in the previous post, we built this product primarily out of frustration being a user of

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