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GDPR Arrives on May 25: What It Means for You

GDPR Arrives on May 25: What It Means for You The data produced at home and at work have become integral to functioning in our cyber-connected world. But with the proliferation of data and interconnected devices comes the vulnerabilities affecting the access, integrity, and security of that data.Major headlines detailing breaches over

Do You Know the New PII Rights under GDPR?

Do You Know the New PII Rights under GDPR? What is your current address? What was the yearly salary of your last position? What is your Social Security (national insurance) number? Consider how many PII (personally identifiable information) questions your organization asks for background checks of individuals being vetted as

Classification and GDPR Compliance – Why?

The Requirement for Classification as part of GDPR Compliance Data privacy in the scope of the GDPR requires a clear understanding of the data you retain. What type of data is being stored, where it is being stored, and who is accessing it are the guiding principles, and classification of this data

What Is Data Discovery and Why Should I Use It?

What Is Data Discovery and Why Should I Use It? The brain is an amazing organ. It weighs about 3 ½ pounds and consists of two hemispheres, 100 billion neurons, and 100 trillion synapses: the command and control center for each of us. The brain controls autonomous functions like heartbeats

What Is Data Discovery and Why Should I Use It?

What Is Data Discovery and Why Should I Use It? The brain is an amazing organ. It weighs about 3 ½ pounds and consists of two hemispheres, 100 billion neurons, and 100 trillion synapses: the command and control center for each of us. The brain controls autonomous functions like heartbeats

What is PII? What Should We Do About It?

What is PII? What Should We Do About It? Dreams and fantasies are often referred to as “pie in the sky” thinking—nice to ponder, but, realistically speaking, not likely to happen. A generation ago we would have thought the digitization of info would usher in a Utopian paperless age when

The ABCs of GDPR

The ABCs of GDPR Acronyms and abbreviations used to be relegated to those in the military and government: MDA (Missile Defense Agency), USPS (United States Postal Service), RAF (Royal Air Force). But the proliferation of social media sites like Twitter and Snapchat has moved acronyms into the mainstream: IMHO, YOYO,