Category: Blog

What’s In & What’s Out: What Should Stay On Your Shared Drives

What’s In & What’s Out: What Should Stay On Your Shared Drives It’s time. You’re finally migrating your files, maybe to a new SharePoint site or some other improved file repository. But it seems like you’re faced with an insurmountable task. Which files should you take with you to this

New Macro Malware Uses Fake Google Enterprise Support Email

In the past months of analyzing malware samples, Macro malware has been on the rise. Last week, we received a fake email of Google Enterprise Support with an attachment file “Info> Wire_info_60255.doc”. See the email snapshot below.  The file “Wire_info_60255.doc” is indeed a Word document which contains a malicious


The Internet of Things (IoT) is hot. From light bulbs to refrigerators to smart TVs, companies are under tremendous pressure to get new IoT devices to market and consumers are instantly snapping them up. In fact, the number of devices that are or will shortly be connected to the Internet

Old-New Macro malware meets Old-New “missed courier delivery” Trick

We have covered the resurgence of macro malware at length in our Security Yearbook. Recap – after an absence of around 10-15 years macro malware returned with a vengeance in the last 2 months of 2014. This time the new-old malware is paired with a favorite of the email malware

Reconnaissance Macro Malware

We reported in our 2015 Cyber Threats Yearbook about the return of macro malware in today’s threat landscape, as we have observed malicious documents being used to deliver further malware into the system by either dropping or downloading from compromised sites. We recently acquired a malicious document, which does not

CYREN 2015 Cyber Threats Yearbook: Stats, Cyber Analysis and Prediction for 2015

Our 2015 Cyber Threats Yearbook has just been released! Introduced by CTO Lior Kohavi, the comprehensive report analyzes many of last year’s most notable cybercrime trends as collected by CYREN’s GlobalView Cloud which monitors 17 billion transactions each day to protect more than 600 million users.   In addition to highlighting

Richard Spires’ Keynote at DGI Enterprise Architecture Conference & Expo

Richard A. Spires, CEO, Resilient Network Systems, Inc., and former CIO of the US Department of Homeland Security, will be delivering the opening Keynote presentation at the DGI: Digital Government Institute’s Enterprise Architecture Conference & Expo, the morning of April 30, 2015 (8:30am-3:00pm EDT) at the Ronald Reagan Building’s Pavilion

Gazon SMS Trojan targets Android users by promising Amazon gift cards

Gazon is a malware targeting Android phones that sends multiple SMS text messages to every contact in the victim’s phone book. After opening the malware on the Android device the victim is told that he has won an Amazon gift card for $200. To redeem the gift card the victim