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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Security-as-a-Service: Applied Cyber Intelligence for Enterprises

When applying the concept of trust to the security-as-a-service (SecaaS) delivery model, it is useful to think in terms of security history. With access to the Internet and email came viruses, spam drive-by downloads and phishing, and the corresponding perimeter security software and hardware to protect corporate systems. But, software

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Destroying the ROI of Cybercrime– Part 2

In the battle to defend against the ever-increasing volume and variety of threats, security solutions like firewalls, signature-based antivirus, and blacklisting may be ineffective. This is because the criminals know that the data that powers them may lag new threats by days or even weeks. Cybercriminals have now further raised

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Destroying the ROI of Cybercrime – Part 1

2015 will be another tough year in the continuing fight against cybercrime. Today’s Internet threat landscape is highly dynamic, as thousands of malicious actors disseminate hundreds of millions of global threats daily. While some actors are hacktivist organizations and even nation-states, the main threat remains that of well-funded cybercriminal gangs.

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Innovative Architecture Addresses Student Digital Privacy Act Challenges – Press Release by RNS & NLET

Trust Networks support education systems’ compliance with new Federal and State legislation on data privacy (via Yahoo! Finance) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 27, 2015 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — Resilient Network Systems, Inc., a leading provider of advanced access control and privacy solutions, and the National Laboratory for Education Transformation (NLET), a Silicon Valley non-profit dedicated to modern

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Phishing attack on popular German bank

Last week, the CYREN team detected a massive phishing attack on customers of the German bank Postbank, with more than 50,000 new phishing URLs detected within the first 24 hours. Phishing emails are traditionally sent to a massive group of people, in the hope that among the recipients are actual

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Trust Network is ACT-IAC Igniting Innovation Finalist

I am very pleased Mr. Hyde agreed to join to my growing Board of Advisors.  His decades of experience in the d Resilient Network Systems, IJIS and their technology partners were selected as 1 of 30 Finalists for the ACT-IAC Igniting Innovation 2015 awards for top innovations in Government IT projects,

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Not Malware: Some Apps are Just…Well…Apps

When you work in the cybersecurity industry, friends and family often share with you spam emails that come through their inboxes, examples of potential malware and phishing links, and news articles about the latest cybercrime headline. I always welcome these emails as it gives those of us at CYREN a

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