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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

CEO, Spires testifies on OPM Breach at Congressional hearing

I am very pleased Mr. Hyde agreed to join to my growing Board of Advisors.  His decades of experience in the Resilient Network Systems’ CEO, Richard Spires, formerly CIO of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and of the IRS, was invited to testify before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial

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Analyzing an Outlook phishing attack

It is in my routine to read emails before starting my daily work while enjoying my cup of coffee. While browsing for important emails I need to separate spam emails from legitimate emails and analyze the spam emails. I was trying to sort out the spam emails when I came

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New Macro Malware Uses Fake Google Enterprise Support Email

In the past months of analyzing malware samples, Macro malware has been on the rise. Last week, we received a fake email of Google Enterprise Support with an attachment file “Info> Wire_info_60255.doc”. See the email snapshot below.  The file “Wire_info_60255.doc” is indeed a Word document which contains a malicious

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