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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

10 Steps to GDPR Readiness

10 Steps to GDPR Readiness 10 Steps to GDPR Readiness How do you know when you’re ready? REALLY ready? This question is more than just a one-in-a-lifetime moment in a person’s mind watching their spouse-to-be walk down the aisle. It pops up at all major crossroads and significant milestones: college graduation, the birth

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Key Steps for GDPR Compliance

Key Steps for GDPR Compliance It’s coming…are you ready? On 25 May 2018, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect. It is the first comprehensive attempt at establishing data compliance standards across national economies. It establishes timelines to notify users of data breaches, penalties for non-compliance, and

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Crazy numbers….

I guess I am shocked at the numbers – but shouldn’t be.  Based on the conversations we have all week with EU based companies – many many are not ready for sure..

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Eine Erhöhung von 725 % im Kryptowährungs-Mining bedroht mehr als nur Ihre CPU

Wir haben hier im Cyren Security Lab das Kryptowährungs-Mining nachverfolgt und konnten einen massiven Anstieg in der Anzahl der Websites bestätigen, die „Krypto-Mining“-Skripts weltweit hosten. Auf Basis der Überwachung einer Probe von 500.000 Websites haben wir festgestellt, dass im viermonatigen Zeitraum vom letzten September bis Januar 2018 eine Erhöhung von

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WARNING: UK Tax Refund Phishing Scam Identified

A warning to individuals filing taxes in the United Kingdom: Cyren has identified a tax refund phishing email that, at first glance, appears to come from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the UK’s tax, payments, and customs authority. The fraudulent email tries to trick the recipient into opening a PDF

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GDPR for Information Security

Late last month I was asked to contribute to the pretty exclusive (well, for security folks anyways :)) ISSA Journal.  The ISSA was started in 1984 and is one of the largest security organizations – over 11,000 information security professionals.  I am a member of the local Raleigh, NC chapter and have always

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