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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Construction Industry Security Threatened by Weak Links

Remember the big Target breach in 2013, when 40 million credit and debit cards and as many as 110 million email addresses stolen? It cost Target $292 million (according to their annual report), led to 80 lawsuits which took four years to resolve, and cost the CEO his job. Subsequent

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Sicherheit der Bauindustrie durch Schwachstellen gefährdet

Erinnern Sie sich noch an die große Datenschutzverletzung 2013 bei der Firma Target, als 40 Millionen Kredit- und Debitkarten und bis zu 110 Millionen E-Mail-Adressen gestohlen wurden? Dies kostete Target dem Jahresabschluss zufolge 292 Mio. US-Dollar, führte zu 80 Gerichtsverfahren, deren Beilegung vier Jahre dauerte, und kostete dem CEO seinen

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3 GDPR Principles: Accuracy, Retention, and Transparency

3 GDPR Principles: Accuracy, Retention, and Transparency We have shared many details around the GDPR enforcement date beginning 25 May 2018 — and there is a lot of information out there. Perhaps a question continues to pop up: Why the GDPR?GDPR codifies principles and practices to help secure the personal

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Chris Perram on FinTech Financial’s RegTech Show

Chris Perram on FinTech Financial’s RegTech Show Recently, Chris appeared on FinTech Financial’s The RegTech Show to talk about how the incoming GDPR regulations will change the Finance Industry, and about organising data during this mercurial period.Watch the video here

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“Congratulations, You’re Our New DPO!” Now What?

“Congratulations, You’re Our New DPO!” Now What? “Congratulations, You’re Our New DPO!” Now What?  Perhaps you were the last one to arrive at the meeting and the rest of your colleagues volunteered you. Of course, your boss said, “This is valuable work; you are just the person for the role,”

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XYZ Without Classification – is just (weak) XYZ

It is very clear what I’ve been spouting for years – perimeter security technologies WITHOUT end-user guided, steward-approved and maintained classifications result in lack luster performance, capabilities and increased user frustration – making the (significant) investment negated and oft-times ineffectual. Do you (CIO, CISO, VP InfoSec, SecArch, SecEng, etc.) want

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Beware the Ides of April: Tax Fraud Season in Full Gear

It’s tax season, and in the 21st century that means that not only are government revenue agents awaiting your company’s and your employees’ data and looking to settle accounts, but that cybercriminals are hard at work with a variety of cyber scams aimed at diverting tax refunds and stealing sensitive

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