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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Schützen Sie sich mit tiefgehender E-Mail-Sicherheit (Email Security Defense-in-Depth) vor Evasive Phishing

Phishing-E-Mails und Ransomware finden weiterhin ihren Weg in die Posteingänge. Da könnte einem der Gedanke kommen: E-Mail-Sicherheit funktioniert einfach nicht. Es ist offensichtlich, dass Unternehmen beim Versuch, sich vor den ausgetüftelten Angriffen von heute zu schützen, Technologie einsetzen, die ursprünglich dazu konzipiert war, Spam und Malware zu blockieren. Ende der

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Protect From Evasive Phishing with Email Security Defense-in-Depth

As phishing emails and ransomware continue to find their way into the user inbox, we are led to the following idea — email security is broken. It has become obvious that companies are attempting to defend against today’s sophisticated attacks using technology developed to block spam and detect malware. In

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Emotet Malware Still Evolving: New Variants Detected

Emotet malware campaigns continue to evolve, below we share a breakdown of samples of two new malicious downloader variants that appeared toward the end of January 2020, including lists of IOCs and payload detections for each. To give a sense of timing, you can see in this chart the samples

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Keeping Costs Down In CCPA – Automation

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has the potential to be a major source of financial burden and headache to eCommerce businesses of all sizes and verticals. As consumers begin to grow more aware of their rights, businesses will be subject to an increasing amount of SARs, or, Subject Access Requests – and

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Will CCPA Affect Me? For Businesses Outside California

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is set to be indoctrinated on the first day of 2020, and this law has such expansive regulations that even businesses outside of California will be affected. Organizations all across the United States should be wary of the part CCPA will play in their business ventures,

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Advantages of CCPA for Ecommerce

The California Consumers Privacy Act (CCPA) is set to be indoctrinated on January 1st, 2020 and will transform the eCommerce marketplace in California – and the rest of the nation, as more states adopt the principals CCPA aims to set as standard. The laws being introduced are regarding the data businesses collect

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How Does CCPA Affect Me? – Businesses in California

With the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) set to be indoctrinated January 1st, 2020, businesses that are operating in California that fall under rule of law must take action. Asking the question “How Does CCPA Affect Me?” should be the first step Ecommerce businesses are taking to fully understand the

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Surveys in Data Governance – Is There Room For Them?

For companies aiming to be in full compliance with the CCPA when the law is enacted on January 1st, data governance, data mapping, and data inventory should be at the forefront of priorities. These processes are essential to any compliancy initiative – but what happens when they are unreliable, and data maps

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