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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

You Should Enlist Your Employees in Threat Detection

Your employees’ instincts are incredibly valuable and can help you crowdsource threats. With Cyren Inbox Security, they’re one click away from flagging an email as suspicious, and telling Cyren to search for lookalike emails in the system. How IDRs leverage user data Though it’s often positioned as the “last line

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Multi-factor Authentication and Advanced Use Cases

Data443 Risk Mitigation Development Blog by Damien O., Advanced Platform Developer at Data443 The past week has been very busy for the DataExpress Open Platform (DXOP) developers. One of the features they have been working on is 2-factor authentication for the Administrative UI, which adds a new level of security

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How to Simplify Digital Communication Archiving under Remote Learning

The classroom has moved into living rooms and kitchens of families across the US and collaborative technologies are being used more than ever. As educators move to an online setting, they are experiencing a substantial unanticipated increase in data usage. Many k-12 Systems Admins are looking to streamline and simplify their Digital

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How has data compliance changed under the “new normal”?

Dear Educators, So, this is the “New Normal” that everyone has been talking about – a time in which peak internet traffic is up over 45%. Millions of US students have abruptly made the switch to remote learning in the past weeks, and with this brings a magnitude of unanticipated data growth as

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Covid AgentTesla

With the world under threat of the COVID-19 aka corona virus, many cybercriminals are taking this opportunity to blend in the chaos. Here we have an email posing to have an order of masks. An important personal protection equipment that is on a very high demand as of this moment. 

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File-less (almost) and Confused

Amidst the crisis the world is going through because of the Covid-19 pandemic, malicious actors continue to take advantage of the situation to lure unsuspecting online consumers into installing malware into their systems. We have recently found reports of malicious Powerpoint slides being sent through email, which are disguised as

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