Tag: data governance

Surveys in Data Governance – Is There Room For Them?

For companies aiming to be in full compliance with the CCPA when the law is enacted on January 1st, data governance, data mapping, and data inventory should be at the forefront of priorities. These processes are essential to any compliancy initiative – but what happens when they are unreliable, and data maps

Privacy Governance, Compliance and Data Stewardship – Cannabis?

Is Cannabis Finally the Driver for Personal Privacy? As part of our announcement ( https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/LDSR/news/LandStar-Inc-Announces-HIPAA-Compliant-Platform-for-8-Billion-Medical-Marijuana-Market ) Our partner offering has been in development for a specific governmental organization in Canada for some time now and recently went live with the legalization on October 17. The offering has several components – however at

Webinar – Identity and Data Governance!

Join us for the webinar “Identity & Data Governance – 5 Steps to Reliable and Accurate Compliance in the Cloud” on August 3rd at 2 pm ET | 1 pm CT | 11 am PT | 6pm GMT. Identity and Security Compliance experts will review how Identity and Data can