Resilient along with its partners WebShield Inc., SAFE-BioPharma (@SAFE_BioPharma), Carebox (@CareboxHealth) and InterSystems (@InterSystems) are delighted to announce that we have won Phase 1 of the Move Health Data Forward Challenge. This prestigious challenge is staged by The Department of Health and Humans Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) (@ONC_HealthIT).
According to the ONC, “Winners were selected based on their proposals for using application programming interfaces (API) to enable consumers to share their personal health information safely and securely with their healthcare providers, family members or other caregivers.”
Resilient and team’s proposal outlines a solution that gives consumers the ability to conveniently access and share their own health records on demand. The solution will demonstrate a unique nationwide capability to conveniently verify a consumer’s identity, locate and electronically request a consumer’s records, and deliver them to a secure cloud-based personal storage service. To view our complete proposal submission and to understand Resilient’s contextual access control role in the solution please visit here.
Next we move to Phase 2, where up to five teams will be selected based on the prototypes and test performance of their solutions. Phase 2 winners will then move to Phase 3, where up to two winners will be chosen based on their ability to implement their solution.
Fingers crossed for Resilient and team, we’ll be sure to update you on the outcome!