Regular Expressions (RegEx) and ECM

Regular Expressions (RegEx) and ECM

Language is a curious thing. Letters and symbols combine and form words to capture ideas. These ideas are strung together in sentences and paragraphs to increase knowledge, share feelings, and inspire others with new and fascinating ways of thinking. Every language has a rhythm and understanding developed through syntax, structure, and grammar.

This holds true in digital languages as well. From the “@” symbol denoting an email address to the hashtag (#) marking a Twitter string (#lifeisawesome) to the emoji text from your teen telling you she is shocked, digital languages are changing how we communicate.

The language of coding is no exception. Regular expressions are used in multiple coding languages (Perl, PHP, Java, etc.) as a way of defining patterns in information using special symbols. These expressions are used to identify or extract information through establishing and enforcing a common format. For example, Social Security numbers are always nine numbers with two dashes (111-11-1111); phone numbers with area codes are ten numbers with two parentheses and a dash ((777) 777-7777). Regular expressions set the parameters for the correct format.

Regular expressions are often paired with field masks to show the proper format in the field being populated. When you enter a telephone number online (digits only) and the parentheses and dash magically as you enter the number, the software is using regular expression with a field mask.

When your applications and software incorporate regular expressions, you are able to easily navigate through data residing on your ECM for collection, deletion, or search and replace.

FileFacets has teamed with Laserfiche, whose products leverage the benefits of regular expressions. Laserfiche products can help your organization manage and share digital content using state-of-the-art enterprise document management.

Providing powerful solutions for government, education, financial services, and healthcare, Laserfiche ECM enables users to quickly pinpoint information they need, collaborate more effectively, and complete daily tasks more efficiently. Secure web access allows governments to easily share information between agencies, other jurisdictions, and with constituents, while comprehensive security options protect information from unauthorized access or release.

FileFacets provides Laserfiche resellers and customers a comprehensive and streamlined migration in one end-to-end solution — ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial) processing, auto-categorization, auto-classification, metadata attribution, PII (personally identifiable information) processing, and much more.

If you’re ready to increase the power of your data by moving to the Laserfiche ECM, FileFacets can help you find, shrink, and port your files to the ECM environment. Our software works as the only ECM enhancement solution available as Software-as- a-Service (SAAS), making deployment easy and cost effective.