Ransomware Recovery Manager™

protection you
can count on

Ransomware recovery for the "when it happens" event.

Why choose Ransomware Recovery Manager™?

Data443's Ransomware Recovery Manager (RRM) is the only industry-guaranteed virus and ransomware device recovery product.


RRM identifies and locates sensitive data on your device, moves it to a secure location on your disk and encrypts it. This significantly reduces the risk profile of your device.


If an attack occurs, RRM immediately notifies and takes action to defend your data and mitigate lateral spread should your system become infected with ransomware.


Should your system become infected with ransomware, RRM can fully restore your device to an operational state and protect your data – with a simple reboot
We had independent experts test us – ask your current vendor why they’re not VB100 certified…
This well-conceived tool defeats most real-world ransomware…

Stay one step ahead
of cyber threats

Schedule your complimentary
cybersecurity risk assessment today.

The ultimate defense against ransomware

Stop lateral spread

We stop any lateral spread in its tracks, so there is no ransomware to spread – even if 100 machines get the email.

Data protection

Sensitive data is identified, double key encrypted, and then placed in secure locations on a disk, so ransom demands have no impact.

Audit compliant

The ingesting of additional file repositories ensures audit compliance for long-term retention, including roll-offs of any data set as needed.

Manage endpoints simply

Manage all endpoints and functions like DLP, reboots, updates, remote control and power savings from a single console.

Easily manage data

Ransomware Recovery Manager comes with built-in data classification, tagging, and labeling.

Immediate notification

You receive immediate alerts & infection recovery notifications as soon as a threat is detected in your environment.

Rapidly restore systems

Quick and easy restoration, in just a simple reboot — even after complete infection by virus or ransomware.

Data backup & recovery

RRM helps your organization back up data regularly so you can easily restore its data in the event of an attack.

Getting started

Launching Ransomware Recovery Manager™ is easy. 

Subscribe and Deploy from
Data443’s Cloud. 

Deploy your software distribution
software, or use ours.

Design a simple Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy with our design team, or manage your own.

Create a simple Data Classification policy
set, or use our workshops to create.

Configure your encryption and
protection policies, and done!

360° Protection &
Security Uncover peace of mind

Data Identification Manager



When combined, this offering is designed to provide proactive protection. 360 Protection & Security can Identify all types of data on a device and Encrypt it.

This ensures that even with potential exposure of the data set(s), Ransomware Recovery Manager’s dual-private key infrastructure Safeguards your files, rendering them useless in the hands of cyber criminals without matching keys, mitigating the risk of extortion in a ransomware incident.

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