Microsoft reports a “leap in attack sophistication”

Last month Microsoft released a sobering Digital Defense Report. From their perch powering 600,000 enterprises’ cloud inboxes (in the United States alone), they report:

  • Malware attacks are decreasing. Instead 70% of attacks are through phishing emails, largely to harvest credentials.

  • Attackers are laying long-term traps that scour the internet looking for systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices that are vulnerable to ransomware.

  • Cybercriminals are taking advantage of national holidays to attack systems when SecOps resources are thinnest.

Related: Microsoft Finally Acknowledges COVID-19-Related Cybercrimes

In total, 73% of CISOs reported their organizations leaked sensitive data in the last 12 months. Even the savviest targets are struggling to cope with attacks that rapidly morph “across sending domains, email addresses, content templates and URL domains. The goal is to increase the combination of variations to remain unseen.”

The lone bright spot? The number of Covid-themed attacks has fallen sharply since April 2020. Fewer everyday consumers are being targeted (but nation-states are increasingly attacking the academic, governmental, and commercial groups involved in vaccine research).

Microsoft isn’t here to help

Perhaps the most troubling part of this report? Microsoft’s insistence that the problem has to be solved by “a community approach.” They write:

Our contribution will only be a small piece of what’s needed to address the challenge. It requires policymakers, the business community, government agencies and, ultimately, individuals to make a real difference, and we can only have significant impact through shared information and partnerships.

Read the full report here >

While we wait for policymakers… 

Cyren Inbox Security was built to safeguard each and every Microsoft 365 mailbox in your organization. It is a continuous and automated layer of security right in the user mailbox. The plug-in:

  • Persistently rescans inbound, outbound and delivered emails in all folders

  • Reduces investigative overhead with automated incident and case management workflows

  • Lets users scan and report suspicious emails

Our threat visibility is unsurpassed. Cyren’s global security cloud processes 25 billion email and web security transactions every day, and identifies 9 new threats and blocks over 3,000 known threats each second.

Ready to play with Cyren Inbox Security for Microsoft 365? Start a 30-day trial, no credit card needed >