Increase in Extra Income and Work at home Scam Mailings

CYREN’s GlobalView™ Security Lab (GSL) has detected a huge increase in spam over the last few days with the share of spam approaching 90% of all email traffic. In comparison the average spam share in January 2014 was 75%. After analyzing the traffic it became clear that one campaign was behind the increase. The subject lines include:

“BREAKING NEWS: Special Report” 

“BREAKING NEWS: It’s hard to believe, but…”. 

The emails promise easy extra income. The website “” informs visitors that no money is needed, they can work from home, and there are no things to sell. As “proof”, the site shows a young mother with her baby and some paychecks.

The website layout is in a news style and the email uses a Fox News newsletter format. Every link in the email leads to The website imitates a serious finance portal and discussions about the offer are shown below the site in the comment section. If you try to leave the site a pop up window appears and asks: “Do you really want to leave the website?” Beyond this you will be redirected to another site called online survey jobs – which seems to focus on the same topic, but with a different layout/style.

Usually with sites like this users would have to pay a small purchase price (~$200) as the “real” last step after registration and then would be given access to “insider information”. These kinds of emails and sites are well known as scams (just do a search for “work at home scam”).