

SuiteCRM is the award-winning Customer Relationship Management application brought to you by SalesAgility who are the authors and maintainers. The application is enterprise ready and completely scalable to suit any business size or business requirement. The application is fully customizable and can be tailor made to fit your current or future business processes. Most importantly, the application is open source and so it’s completely FREE to use, with no limitations on users.

Why SuiteCRM? 

  • Provides a 360 Degree View which provides a chance to know your customer by creating a central repository for all your customer data. This enables you to gain key insights that can be used to enhance and nurture your business relationships 
  • Dramatically reduces the total cost of ownership with open-source CRM, providing the freedom and flexibility to customize your CRM to your own bespoke needs. 
  • Increases productivity across your organization using their own open REST API, allowing you to integrate CRM with core business systems, enabling you to share and collaborate across any boundaries. 
  • Provides security features as well as provides the opportunity to integrate other 3rd party add-ons