Salesforce Einstein


Salesforce Einstein is a set of Salesforce tools that can help you get more insights from data using artificial intelligence. These include Machine learning, Predictive Intelligence and Natural language processing (NLP). With the capabilities provided by the Einstein Prediction Builder and Einstein Bots, you can now make data-driven decisions and automate your work with little to no coding. Salesforce Einstein is a term coined by CEO Marc Benioff to describe these new features within the Salesforce umbrella. The company is now speaking of Einstein as a single term that describes the integration of these new features into Salesforce products. 

Why Salesforce Einstein? 

  • Can help you get more insights from data 
  • Salesforce has helped companies around the world take control of their customer information. Hence, helping them make smarter decisions by providing real-time insight into their business. 
  • It can help your company automate with little to no coding.  
  • Salesforce Einstein will help you save time, reduce manual work, and get information more quickly. 
  • It can help you personalize every customer interaction. 
  • Helps you create completely personalized experiences by building a deep understanding of your customers and their unique context.  
  • It can help you connect with your customers in a whole new way
  • Salesforce has helped companies around the world take control of their customer information. therefore, allowing them to make smarter decisions by providing real-time insight into their business.