

Presto refers to the query engine for large datasets. Netflix and Facebook released it in 2013 under the Apache License 2.0. It uses SQL for queries and its programming language is based on Java. Presto can query through a set of large data regardless of its storage location. Furthermore, it can integrate well with both non-relational and relational databases. Also, it is a high-functioning query database and can perform the function by combining data from multiple sources in very little time, aiding analysts who require quick analytical results. 

Why Presto? 

  • Presto can easily integrate with the business’s existing database without the need for complex overhauling. 
  • It does not store data which is why it is fast. This gives it the additional benefit of being scalable according to business needs and requirements 
  • Presto is designed in such a way that it can query data through both SQL and NoSQL stores 
  • It has several advantageous features, such as generation of codes, in-memory processing feature, and execution via pipeline method 
  • Security features include Kerberos authentication over HTTPS, LDAP authentication, Java Keystores, System Access Control, SSLS, and TLS Security