Exact Online

Exact Online, developed by Exact, serves as a CRM and accounting software. It provides business with a proper foundation in bookkeeping and financial reporting to progress and grow according to the market trends. Over 550,000 manufacturing, food, wholesale and many other businesses use specific Exact online integrated with applications for better results.

Why Exact Online?

  • Automation: Almost every function of the software is automated for the accurate and precise results.
  • Exact Online provides good insight into market trend and progress of the business with abundant amount of data and figures.
  • Secure: The stored data is accessed by the employees of an organization under strict security measures and permission gates.
  • Colleagues, departments and employees can share the data, figures and other important material to achieve good results.
  •  Since it has a high potential of supporting a variety of business domains, users can customize it thoroughly considering their business application.
  •  It is easy to use, adopt and explain others how to use the program, due to its simplicity.
  • It has complete integration within the total suite, Back Office ERP, combined with Front Office CRM, HRM, Document Management, Workflow, and Business Activity Monitoring and SSRS.