
Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database management system that is used to handle large amounts of data across a variety of servers. Providing high availability with no single point of failure, Cassandra offers support for clusters that extend to a multitude of datacenters. A Java-based system, Cassandra can thus be managed and monitored via Java Management Extensions (JMX). Cassandra’s masterless application allows for low latency operations.

Why Cassandra?

·      Data is automatically replicated to multiple nodes for fault tolerance

·      Data replication across different data centers available

·      Hadoop integration

·      MapReduce, Apache Pig, and Apache Hive support available

·      Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is a simple interface for accessing Cassandra

·      CQL uses an abstraction layer to hide implementation details 

·      Language drivers available for Java, Python and Node.JS etc

·      Masterless architecture and low latency ensure no data loss

·      Failed nodes can easily be replaced

·      Consumers have the option to choose between synchronous and asynchronous replication

·      Optimized operations due to features such as Hinted Handoff and Read Repair

·      Security maintained via the audit logging feature

·      fqltool command allows for workload analysis 

·      Data in flight is transferred securely and is not compromised due to SSL encryption

·      Encryption for client to node and node to node is independently configured

·      It allows for linear scalability

·      If data model is designed correctly, answers are retrieved efficiently

·      Features like data compression, Cassandra Query Language (CQL) and tunable consistency are provided.