

Bugzilla is a free defect and bug tracking system that allows developers to pinpoint any outstanding bugs or issues in their products. Bugzilla offers two types of tracking, a simple and an advanced search. The first simple search is catered towards new users and searches the full text of a bug. The second more advanced search allows the user to specify/generate a specific search. Bugzilla can be used by users and administrators alike and has various features to meet the needs of their users.

Why Bugzilla?

·      Advanced search capabilities to meet the needs of various consumers.

·      Localized templates available in different languages.

·      Provides bug lists in multiple formats such as Atom, iCalendar and CSV.

·      Reports can be scheduled to be sent via email.

·      Advanced reporting system

·      Time tracking feature estimates how much time it would take to eradicate the bug.

·      Privacy by allowing users to mark attachments or comments as private.

·      Ability to save and share a search to easily run it again.

·      Runs under Perl’s taint mode to prevent SQL Injection.

·      Measures to prevent Cross Site Scripting.

·      Multiple authentication methods.

·      Can be run by MySQL, PostgreSQL or even Oracle

·      Allows administrators to define what users can edit or search bugs

·      Advanced search option allows filtering of logged defects.

·      Easy to understand simple UI

·      Project synchronization is used as the primary resource for bug tracking which leads to effective bug tracking.

·      There is a content upload limit.