Active Directory

Microsoft Active directory, an identity and access management (IAM), is designed for companies to ensure cyber security by multi factor and single sign-on authentication. With active directory, small to large scale companies are able to avoid cyber attacks 99.9% of the time. It ensures secure engagement with other stakeholders and allows the administrators to provide remote access to several applications. 

  • Secure: all employees of the company have access to the data through streamline authorization and authentication.
  •  Integration: Many third party software are easily integrated to active directory including Salesforce, Microsoft office 365 and Blackboard learn.
  • Active directory uses single identity platform for the sake of safety of data while engaging with external and internal elements.
  • It has a friendly, straightforward interface and for simplicity, it allows to user to find all sorts of information at a single window.
  • The technical support is available 24/7 in case of any inconsistency that allows a smooth flow of work for the users.
  • The corporate resources are accessible depending upon the risk assessment.
  • It has single sign-on function, extensibility, speed and integrated security.