Defensible Disposition

Defensible Disposition

Identify Document Type, apply a retention code, and process defensible disposition on content across the enterprise regardless of location, repository, or format. That is the holy grail of Records Management and IG. It is also at the heart of Data Identification Manager value proposition.

The power of Data Identification Manager solution resides in the data within the cloud.

Each data scan added to Data Identification Manager Feature Matrix helps to refine the definition of file types. This cumulative and continuous learning combined with distributed processes allows more applications and clients access to the benefits from AI and machine learning. Using Data Identification Manager automated defensible disposition processing allows you to be fully compliant. It also reduces legal exposure. Save money by maximizing existing infrastructure and reducing storage costs.

Data Identification Manager powerful Machine Learning and AI engine is designed to automate the tagging of objects with Document Type.

By assigning a Record Series Identifier to each Document Type, defensible disposition becomes an automated process that can be run on a regular basis.
Be compliant with IG and RM policies whether an ECM is deployed or not
Reduce storage requirements by automating the removal of ROT files

Select files for destruction process during a migration, or at any time you choose

Reduce legal exposure of storing data that could be disposed of