Defense in depth Demo

Directly integrate our global intelligence on malicious URLs, IP addresses, and files into your environment for enhanced awareness and protection.

Malware File and URL Intelligence

Real-time information about ongoing and emerging malware threats Analyze millions of suspicious files to detect hundreds of thousands of new malicious files daily Contextual information includes malware family and relationships to IP addresses, download URLs, and other IOCs

Phishing and Fraud URL Intelligence

Visibility of over 1 Billion URLs each day. Analyze URLs strings and web content to detect zero day and other phishing attacks. Over 9,000 new phishing URLs per day Context includes brand and industry information and is correlated to IP addresses that host the pages and files that contain phishing links

IP Intelligence

Analyze billions of web and email transactions in real-time to expose high-risk IP addresses that serve spam, phishing, and malware Apply unique technologies and algorithms to quickly identify botnets and zombie hosts, and their activity Contextual information includes threat intensity, risk score, geolocation, and relationships to other threats

Our intelligence feeds are designed to be highly accessible and customizable, catering to various organizational needs through both API and FTP delivery methods.

The uniform JSON data structure ensures easy integration and consistent analysis across different platforms.

API Integration

Access Method: Secure access through HTTPS API.

Updates: Real-time, with flexibility in parameters such as “offset” and “count” to tailor the feed.

Benefits: Allows for immediate integration into existing systems for timely threat intelligence.

FTP Delivery

Types of Updates:

  • Daily Overview (Snapshot): Comprehensive daily summaries.
  • Incremental Updates (Delta): Changes or updates since the last snapshot.
  • Archive Files: Historical data for deeper analysis.

Data Structure

Format: Uniform JSON format across both API and FTP delivery methods. Content Includes:
  • Source details for pinpointing threats.
  • Timestamps to track intelligence over time.
  • Detection categories for clarity on the nature of threats.
  • Relationships to understand connections between different intelligence points.
  • Many more…

Watch the video below for a demonstration on integrating the IP Reputation API into your C# code.

Watch the video below for a demonstration on integrating the Malware File API into your Java code.

Watch the video below for a demonstration on integrating the Malware URL API into your Python code.

Watch the video below for a demonstration on integrating the Phishing and Fraud URL API into your JavaScript code.

Contact us to learn how Cyren can power your defenses against email, malware, and web threats.