Cyren Hybrid Analyzer

Identify novel malware 100 times faster than a sandbox
Powered by Varist 

Cyren Hybrid Analyzer detects hidden malware threats earlier so you can make better security decisions and reduce costs of malware incidents.

Faster. Better. Less expensive.

  • With Cyren Hybrid Analyzer you can scan EVERY file to find and block threats
  • Analyzes file properties and behavior at high speed and low cost
  • Gives you relevant and accurate information for real-time policy enforcement and incident response
  • Never compromise privacy for security; no cloud required

How it works

  • Combines static malware analysis and advanced emulation technology 
  • Cyren’s emulation engine quickly uncovers behaviors without executing the file
  • File properties and behaviors are scored to indicate likelihood of maliciousness
  • Equally effective in connected and air-gapped environments

Watch this recorded webinar
to learn more about hybrid analysis.

Comprehensive and flexible

A100 times faster than a malware sandbox and 5-20 times faster than other file analysis tools
Provides and scores over 1,100 indicators (and growing)
Analyzes files for Windows, Mac, and Android
Available as an SDK, daemon, and container

Seeing is believing.
Contact us now to learn more.

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