Category: Blog

Step 1 – infect millions of computers. Step 2 – ?

Someone somewhere is trying hard. The “someone” is a cybercriminal or organization, and since the 8th of August they have been trying hard to infect millions of computers worldwide. The purpose of this vast computing force is still not clear.  The attacks of the last month have made extensive use

Barrack Obama says you can now withdraw $4,500,000

Email text: Attn.  It is my pleasure to inform you that the latest de=elopment regarding the news from the President of United State of America =Barrack Obama) to release all foreign transaction without any further dela=.The United Nations in conjunction with Federal Investigation Department /=The U.S.A Government do here by

Updated – Incorrect hotel charges – install malware for refund

Following the UPS and “map of love” outbreaks of the last few weeks, today saw further large amounts of email-attached malware. Today’s emails taunt recipients with claims of incorrect hotel charges that can only be remedied by opening an attached file. Some recipients will no doubt want to correct the

We are WRITHING to know

I got such a chuckle out of this message I had to share it. There is a whole new field opening up of how to handle people’s online presence after death (for example this Mashable post), however I would bet that sending the type of message below isn’t considered one

The map of love leads to trouble

In mid-August we covered a huge email-malware outbreak that mostly included UPS-themed emails. The same malware continues to be distributed as Fedex confirmations, but also as the “map of love”. The “map of love” attachments accompany emails promising “tourists” a map of interesting destinations worldwide.  Some variations of the text:

Facebook friends that you don’t need

Commtouch labs has picked up a wave of phony Facebook friend request emails. Strangely, these all feature random Middle-Eastern/Asian names (not linked to actual Facebook accounts). Note that these requests arrive via email – not Facebook. Following any of the links leads to a malware download reported to be a

Welcome to Android Malware

Android malware has been around for a while now, but it has been somewhat uncertain how prevalent infected devices are. The Wildlist has been used as a measure to show which viruses are prevalent. What is interesting about the first Extended Wildlist in August 2011 is the inclusion of three

Changes in the Wilderness

The Wildlist is a list of viruses that is maintained by the Wildlist Organization. The intent is to have a list of viruses that is representative of what is really out in the Wild (Antivirus vendors’ name for what our customers will face). The list of viruses is provided by

Spam FAIL: Didn’t you learn to check your work at Spammer U.?

The spam sample below from Commtouch Labs shows an unfortunate lost opportunity for the spammer – a message that might have reached its recipient and enticed him/her to click on the enclosed link.  But the link leads to a parked domain, and based on its use of “Company ABC” and