Category: Blog

BS Microsoft adCenter phishing

We’ve had loads of phishing directed at Google Adwords customers. Today we present the equivalent phishing attack directed at Microsoft adCenter users.  The phishing page is a completely convincing replica of the actual Microsoft login page. We had to be amused though by the domain set up for the phishing

The spam cloud: ep01

If you were to summarize 7.2 million spam subjects from a single day into a tag cloud – what would it look like?  er… like this! As you can see the main products being pushed today are fake watches, pharmaceuticals, enhancers and …. Xerox machines?? No – those belong to

A que famosos se parecen tus amigos? (Celebrity photo match for your friends)

It sounds like a fun application – scanning your friends profile photos and then matching them with the celbrity that they most closely resemble. If only it actually worked…  It starts with a friend’s post: Post text (in Spanish): Descubre a que famosos se parecen tus amigos en esta divertida

48% of Facebook attacks are helped along by users – Commtouch Trend Report

Our latest Internet Threats Trend Report is now available. The report covers Web threats, phishing, malware, and spam. The January 2012 Internet Threats Trend Report and accompanying infographic present a comprehensive analysis of scores of malicious Facebook activities during the past year. The report investigates the three stages of Facebook

Paparazzi catch Berlusconi! (claim of Russian Italian malware emails)

If you believe the email below, the recently-resigned Italian PM has paid a large amount of money to prevent the publication of “images”. Translation:   Berlusconi has proposed 2 million to hide the images. Look at this: This photo has been viewed 8 999 times. Share this link with your friends.

Angry birds scam emails catapult into inboxes worldwide

What did we do before Angry Birds? (Halo, Tetris and Rubik’s cube I guess). Angry Birds has become the benchmark by which any serious operating system is now judged (“no it doesn’t support email but Angry Birds will work on it”). This sort of popularity is guaranteed to make anything

Arabic Facebook likejacking

Sometimes Facebook attacks are quite easy to find – like when an American friend posts in Arabic.   The text: موقف محرج خلال البث المباشر مذيعة قناة الرياضية translates to: “An embarrassing situation during the live broadcast TV sports broadcaster” Clicking on the link leads to a Web page with an

The “I’m in trouble” massive malware outbreak

A series of massive email outbreaks have been intercepted and analyzed by Commtouch Labs over the last several days with subjects like “Need your help!” and “I’m in trouble,” containing links that lead to malware downloads. They are being spammed around the world at rates of hundreds of thousands of