Category: Blog

Increase in Extra Income and Work at home Scam Mailings

CYREN’s GlobalView™ Security Lab (GSL) has detected a huge increase in spam over the last few days with the share of spam approaching 90% of all email traffic. In comparison the average spam share in January 2014 was 75%. After analyzing the traffic it became clear that one campaign was

Always Ahead of the Threat with CYREN’s GlobalView™ Security Center

CYREN, previously operating as Commtouch® (NASDAQ: CTCH), today announced access to the CYREN Security Center, which gives the industry online insight to the latest global trends in Internet security. As a leading global information security company relied upon by the world’s largest service providers and software vendors for Web, email,

Q3 Trend Report Highlights Real-Time Malware Campaigns and Increase in Phishing

The third quarter of 2013 saw further use of real-time malware campaigns and a dramatic increase in phishing sites, according to the Q3 Internet Threats Trend Report issued by Commtouch.   Overview The ever-growing exploitation of current news events continued in Q3. The time between the news event and the related

Stolen Gmail account – $24,000 attempted fraud

This is not the main point of story, but my mom’s Gmail account was hacked. She blames me for this – I am in the security industry and I should have seen it coming and stopped the bad guys. She has a point and I intend to try harder from

22 Hours: Average Time to Exploit News Events for Malware Distribution

Cybercriminals continue to respond with lightning speed when they see an opportunity to exploit a national or global news story to spread malware. In fact, the Commtouch Security Lab now sees instances of criminals inventing “breaking news” that appears to relate to high-profile current events. The Commtouch Security Lab continually

Green Coffee Beans – An August Review on Spam Trends

Although spam levels are generally down, certain types of spam have increased their share of the spam pie. One category that has been on the increase is diet products, such as promotion for ‘green coffee beans’ that promise weight loss miracles. Since June 2013 these products have been highly prominent