Category: Blog

Law Enforcement Information Sharing Panel at IJIS Symposium with Resilient, Regional Information Sharing Systems and Symantec

We are very excited to be part of an expert panel at the IJIS Institute’s National Symposium. Title: Balancing security, convenience and mission success: A path forward for information safeguards and sharing through Identity ManagementWhen: January 20th, 2016Where: Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VATime: 4:20-5:20pm, Salon J, Track 2 Creating the right safeguards to be

ENCORE: The Cyber-Grinch and Cyber-Scrooge Trying to Steal Christmas again!

You might remember CYREN’s previous Cyber-Grinch and Cyber-Scrooge blog article from 2014… Tis the time of the year when this article’s content becomes relevant again!  The Scams of Christmas Past, Present, and Future In 2015, the cyber-criminals, alias Cyber-Grinch and Cyber-Scrooge are active and creative in their goal of making

From Clutter to Classification

From Clutter to Classification Using IG to Gain Control of Your File Shares Rarely is chaos planned.  Cleaning up that same chaotic mess is rarely a planned activity.  The overgrowth of file shares is a story that is repeated at almost all organizations. Folders created with unclear names and documents

Sandbox Array and APT in Asia Pacific

Year of the Breach 2014 was called by many the “year of the breach”. Throughout the Asia Pacific region , high-profile cases hit the headlines. In Jan 2014, the personal data of 20 million South Koreans — or 40% of the country’s population — was stolen, sparking outrage as worried

Hidden Malware and the Ghosts of Mobile Technology

Android Malware “GhostPush” Already discovered packaged into 39 different Android apps, “GhostPush” (sometimes also called “Rootnik”) malware turns an infected device into a platform for the installation of adware, unwanted homescreen links, and further malware. Victims have found the malware to be deeply entrenched and difficult to remove.  Malicious Code

How Do You Eat the IG Elephant? One Bite at a Time!

How Do You Eat the IG Elephant? One Bite at a Time! A Practical Approach to Information Governance Design A lot of people who need information governance put it off because the task seems so overwhelming. But achieving a well-designed and manageable information governance solution is not as daunting as

Phishing Emails Targeting Chinese Users

Chinese users – a very attractive target for phishing attacks Chinese people are increasingly getting online and adopting mobile services. 2014 was a pivotal year, with the massive adoption of mobile services by over 560 million users. It is anticipated that more than half of the entire population of China

Q3 Cyber Threat Report: Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber Security Awareness Month October was Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Out of curiosity, I looked online to see what sort of information was available on the topic. I wasn’t surprised by the results; there were thousands of links, including newspaper articles, infographics, and general awareness notices, with sources that included the

Turning IG into ROI

Turning IG into ROI Making Information Governance Analytics Pay Off It’s no secret that the divisions of a company that contribute to the corporate bottom line drive the company’s business decisions. Efforts to devise and enforce compliance to information governance (IG) may be seen as merely “gate-keeping,” but turning IG