Category: Blog

“Congratulations, You’re Our New DPO!” Now What?

“Congratulations, You’re Our New DPO!” Now What? “Congratulations, You’re Our New DPO!” Now What?  Perhaps you were the last one to arrive at the meeting and the rest of your colleagues volunteered you. Of course, your boss said, “This is valuable work; you are just the person for the role,”

XYZ Without Classification – is just (weak) XYZ

It is very clear what I’ve been spouting for years – perimeter security technologies WITHOUT end-user guided, steward-approved and maintained classifications result in lack luster performance, capabilities and increased user frustration – making the (significant) investment negated and oft-times ineffectual. Do you (CIO, CISO, VP InfoSec, SecArch, SecEng, etc.) want

Beware the Ides of April: Tax Fraud Season in Full Gear

It’s tax season, and in the 21st century that means that not only are government revenue agents awaiting your company’s and your employees’ data and looking to settle accounts, but that cybercriminals are hard at work with a variety of cyber scams aimed at diverting tax refunds and stealing sensitive

10 Steps to GDPR Readiness

10 Steps to GDPR Readiness 10 Steps to GDPR Readiness How do you know when you’re ready? REALLY ready? This question is more than just a one-in-a-lifetime moment in a person’s mind watching their spouse-to-be walk down the aisle. It pops up at all major crossroads and significant milestones: college graduation, the birth

Key Steps for GDPR Compliance

Key Steps for GDPR Compliance It’s coming…are you ready? On 25 May 2018, the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect. It is the first comprehensive attempt at establishing data compliance standards across national economies. It establishes timelines to notify users of data breaches, penalties for non-compliance, and

Crazy numbers….

I guess I am shocked at the numbers – but shouldn’t be.  Based on the conversations we have all week with EU based companies – many many are not ready for sure..

725% increase in cryptocurrency mining threatens more than just your CPU

We’ve been tracking cryptocurrency mining activity here at the Cyren Security Lab and have confirmed a massive run-up in the number of web sites hosting “cryptomining” scripts globally. Based on the monitoring of a sample of 500,000 sites, we’ve found a 725% increase in the number of domains running scripts

Eine Erhöhung von 725 % im Kryptowährungs-Mining bedroht mehr als nur Ihre CPU

Wir haben hier im Cyren Security Lab das Kryptowährungs-Mining nachverfolgt und konnten einen massiven Anstieg in der Anzahl der Websites bestätigen, die „Krypto-Mining“-Skripts weltweit hosten. Auf Basis der Überwachung einer Probe von 500.000 Websites haben wir festgestellt, dass im viermonatigen Zeitraum vom letzten September bis Januar 2018 eine Erhöhung von