Category: Blog

Cybercriminals see real estate firms as profitable

For the last two to three years, stories about real estate hacking and particularly phishing have appeared with increasing frequency in newspaper and blog headlines. Take for example the cybercriminals who stole client contact information from a DC-area real estate company, and then created a “business email compromise” (BEC) scam,

Cyperpiraten nehmen Logistikunternehmen ins Visier

Im Juni 2017 gab es für die Logistik- und Transportindustrie ein „Novum“, als fast 80 Häfen und Terminals weltweit entweder zum Stillstand kamen oder signifikante Verspätungen verzeichneten, darunter der Port of New York and New Jersey, der Port of Los Angeles und der Rotterdamer Hafen (größter Hafen Europas) sowie der

Cybercriminals Targeting Logistics and Transportation Companies

In June of 2017, the logistics and transport industry experienced a ‘first’ when almost 80 ports and terminals around the globe either came to a standstill or experienced significant delays, including the Port of New York and New Jersey, the Port of Los Angeles, the port of Rotterdam (Europe’s largest),

GDPR Security & Breaches: What You Must Know

GDPR Security & Breaches: What You Must Know According the 2017 Ponemon Cost of Data Breach Study, the global average cost of a data breach is $3.2 million. The good news: that cost is down 10% over previous years. The bad news: companies in the study have experienced larger breaches (an

Construction Industry Security Threatened by Weak Links

Remember the big Target breach in 2013, when 40 million credit and debit cards and as many as 110 million email addresses stolen? It cost Target $292 million (according to their annual report), led to 80 lawsuits which took four years to resolve, and cost the CEO his job. Subsequent

Sicherheit der Bauindustrie durch Schwachstellen gefährdet

Erinnern Sie sich noch an die große Datenschutzverletzung 2013 bei der Firma Target, als 40 Millionen Kredit- und Debitkarten und bis zu 110 Millionen E-Mail-Adressen gestohlen wurden? Dies kostete Target dem Jahresabschluss zufolge 292 Mio. US-Dollar, führte zu 80 Gerichtsverfahren, deren Beilegung vier Jahre dauerte, und kostete dem CEO seinen

3 GDPR Principles: Accuracy, Retention, and Transparency

3 GDPR Principles: Accuracy, Retention, and Transparency We have shared many details around the GDPR enforcement date beginning 25 May 2018 — and there is a lot of information out there. Perhaps a question continues to pop up: Why the GDPR?GDPR codifies principles and practices to help secure the personal

Chris Perram on FinTech Financial’s RegTech Show

Chris Perram on FinTech Financial’s RegTech Show Recently, Chris appeared on FinTech Financial’s The RegTech Show to talk about how the incoming GDPR regulations will change the Finance Industry, and about organising data during this mercurial period.Watch the video here