Category: Blog

Was DSGVO-Compliance für Sie bedeutet

Am 25. Mai 2018 trat die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) der Europäischen Union in Kraft. Einer der Zwecke dieser neuen Verordnung besteht darin, personenbezogene Daten von EU-Bürgern besser zu schützen. Falls Sie in den letzten zwei Jahren in der IT-Abteilung eines Unternehmens in der EU gearbeitet haben, werden Ihnen diese fünf Buchstaben

What does GDPR compliance mean to you?

On May 25th 2018 the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. One of the purposes of this regulation is to better protect the personal data of EU subjects. If you have been working in the IT department of an EU organization any time in the past

Exposure of car manufacturers’ data underscores risks posed by suppliers

The ability of a single vendor to cause significant damage to multiple businesses in the wider supply chain became evident once again this week with the news that a small robotics company had exposed 157 gigabytes of highly sensitive data belonging to over 100 customers, including massive multinationals, like GM,

Exponierte Daten von Automobilherstellern verdeutlicht die Sicherheitsrisiken durch Zulieferer

Die Möglichkeit, dass ein einzelner Anbieter mehreren Unternehmen in der weiteren Lieferkette signifikanten Schaden anrichten kann, wurde diese Woche wieder mit der Meldung bestätigt, dass ein kleines Robotik-Unternehmen 157 GB hochsensibler Daten von mehr als 100 Kunden wie GM, Ford, Chrysler und Toyota exponiert hatte. Die exponierten Daten umfassten Pläne von Montagelinien

Cryptocurrency Exchange Targeted by Fake Phishing Site

With the news about the Israeli Bancor heist breaking recently (in which cryptocurrencies worth $23.5 million were stolen using a compromised wallet), it’s fairly obvious that the criminal attraction to cryptocurrencies hasn’t been affected by recent dips in the value of currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. In order to gain

Data Breach Report Underscores Phishing Risk for Manufacturers

The business impact of phishing is becoming increasingly more pronounced. According to the recently released 2018 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 93% of all reported IT security breaches are the direct result of some form of phishing. The manufacturing industry is likely feeling this impact more than most, with targeted

IAM Concept of the Week: FIDO 2.0

Concept of the Week blog series – Each week we define and explain the significance of a concept in the world of Identity and Access Management (IAM). We addressed FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) last year in this series. If you remember FIDO is an authentication technology developed back in 2013 with the stated

Double Deceit: Bad Things Come in Pairs

A Chinese proverb may state, “good things come in pairs”, but this was not the case in 2017. In 2017, we discovered an email threat that was carrying not one, but two different malicious attachments as bait: a PDF file and a Microsoft Template file (OpenXML/DOTX). These were meant to