Category: Blog

New WordPress GDPR Framework update – 1.0.18!

BY JASON REMILLARD THIS WEEK WE RELEASED ANOTHER UPGRADE TO OUR MOST RECENT PRODUCT CAPABILITY – THE WORDPRESS GDPR FRAMEWORK.   Hey everyone – just a quick update (if you haven’t already been notified by your WordPress console yet) that we have pushed out version 1.0.18. Although the feature list looks small

Police Phishing Attack Targets Bank Credentials

In a sophisticated criminal scheme, an email impersonating the Icelandic police was sent to thousands of Icelanders this past weekend, falsely requesting the recipient come in for questioning. Since it directly involved impersonating the authorities, who say this is the largest cyberattack to hit the country of Iceland, and included

Survey Says 44% of Companies Phished This Year

The third annual Cyren-Osterman Research U.S. security survey shows a significant increase in phishing emails getting through to users and in the number of successful phishing attacks suffered by businesses during the past 12 months, among many topics covered in the 16-page report, “IT Security at SMBs: 2017 Benchmarking Survey,”

Die DSGVO der EU hat das Interesse an E-Mail-Archivierung erneuert

Egal, in welchem Geschäft Sie tätig sind, die EU-DSGVO wird sich wahrscheinlich auf Ihre Organisation auswirken. Die DSGVO ist eine Vorschrift, die für alle gilt, die in oder mit Europa Geschäfte tätigen. Falls Sie die personenbezogenen Informationen von EU-Ansässigen verarbeiten, müssen Sie die Verordnung einhalten. Die Einführung der DSGVO hat

The EU GDPR has generated renewed interest in email archiving

Whatever business you are in, the EU GDPR is likely having an impact on your organisation. GDPR is a regulation which applies to anyone doing business in or with Europe. If you process the personal information of EU subjects you need to comply. The introduction of GDPR has forced organisations

Why Choose Integrated Email Security and Archiving?

Email archiving has grown in popularity in the last fifteen years and is now a multi-billion dollar market. It has evolved from an essential on-premises product for highly regulated industries to mainstream adoption in the cloud. For organisations replacing or deploying new archiving solutions today there are many choices of

Warum sich für Integrated E-Mail Security und Archiving entscheiden?

E-Mail- Archiving wurde in den letzten 15 Jahren zunehmend beliebter und stellt mittlerweile einen Multi-Milliarden-Dollar-Markt dar. Es hat sich vom wichtigen On-Premises- Produkt für stark reglementierte Branchen zu einem Produkt für einen breiter gefächerten Einsatz in der Cloud entwickelt. Für Unternehmen, die heute neue Archiving-Lösungen ersetzen oder implementieren, gibt es

Release 1.0.14 is now available of The WordPress GDPR Framework

THIS WEEK WE RELEASED ANOTHER UPGRADE TO OUR MOST RECENT PRODUCT CAPABILITY – THE WORDPRESS GDPR FRAMEWORK.   Changelog 1.0.14 (RELEASED AUG 29) Make Cookie Popup Optional 1.0.13 (RELEASED AUG 28) Proper update – upload failure on previous promo 1.0.12 (RELEASED AUG 27) Change comment consent text Add english (canada) to supported

New Release is now available of The WordPress GDPR Framework

Today we released an upgrade to our most recent product capability – The WordPress GDPR Framework.  While in past lives I have done much in the WordPress plugin arena – for Data443 this is a run of many firsts.. Setting up the infrastructure, clearing out a backlog of bugs and enhancements,