Category: Blog

Suspected BEC Campaign Targeting Banks

In the past week we’ve been receiving reports of different—but seemingly related—email malware campaigns targeting banks in both the US and Europe, specifically in the form of Excel Workbooks containing a malicious macro being sent as an attachment to emails. What’s interesting is that even though the email themes used


Do you know how the California Consumer Privacy Act stacks up to Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation?

Is The Email Security Industry About To Lose Another Major Vendor?

Symantec’s acquisition by Broadcom, announced recently, represents yet another major change for this cyber security vendor and service provider. Given the explicitly stated intention to focus only on the largest 2000 organisations globally, only time will tell what the impact will be on its smaller enterprise and mid-market customers.  For

Der Anstieg des „Evasive“ Phishing durch Phishing-as-a-Service!

Phishing-as-a-Service stellt benutzerfreundliche Phishing-Angriffstools und sogar vollständige Kampagnen zu günstigen Preisen zur Verfügung. Je nach Service-Level kostet ein Full-Service-Abonnement im Bereich von 50 bis 80 US-Dollar pro Monat und realistische Phishing-Web Kits stehen für nur 50 US-Dollar zum Download bereit. Das Cyren-Forschungslabor hat in diesem Jahr bereits 5.334 neue, einzigartige

Open Source Ransomware Targets Fortnite Users

The global gaming phenomenon Fortnite has a huge global user base – last reported in March at 250 million gamers – and the just-concluded Fortnite World Cup with its $30 million prize pool and an online viewing audience of over two million has certainly only added to its allure. Over

Überprüfen Sie die Wirksamkeit Ihrer E-Mail-Security-Lösung

Erreichen Phishing-E-Mails immer wieder Ihre Benutzer und möchten Sie einmal quantifizieren, wie effektiv Ihre E-Mail-Sicherheit tatsächlich ist? E-Mail ist der Hauptangriffsweg, um ein Unternehmen mit Malware zu infizieren, und wird heutzutage fast immer mit Phishing in Verbindung gebracht. Es ist also immer sinnvoll, sich einen Überblick darüber zu verschaffen, ob

Test the Effectiveness of Your Email Security

Do you keep seeing phishing emails getting through to users, and wish you could quantify how effective your email security is—or isn’t? Email is the main vehicle for introducing malware into an organization, and is practically synonymous with phishing these days, so it is a sensible idea to get a

6 Phishing Techniques Driving Phishing-as-a-Service Operations

The phishing-as-a-service industry is making easy-to-use phishing attack tools and even full campaigns available at cheap rates. Full-service subscription prices typically vary from $50 to $80 per month, depending on the level of service, and realistic phishing web kits are available to download for as little as $50. Cyren’s research

Attack Exploits Vulnerability in Half of Email MTAs Globally

Attacks predicted for a freshly reported email server vulnerability have come true in less than a week. If you’re an email administrator, you should be aware of the attacks this week targeting a vulnerability in the Exim MTA server code (versions 4.87 to 4.91), the objective of which is to