Category: cyren

The Anatomy of a Phishing Email Attack

  Phishing scams are one of the most common ways hackers gain access to sensitive or confidential information. In fact, 75% of organizations around the world experienced some kind of phishing attack in 2020. But, what is phishing? A phishing attack includes sending fraudulent emails which appear to be coming

Phishing Attack Prevention: How to Avoid Phishing Attacks with Cyren Threat InDepth

What is Phishing Attack Prevention? Phishing attack prevention refers to companies taking security measures in order to prevent phishing attacks on their employees. The measures taken to improve phishing protection can help you avoid detrimental impacts on your business. This makes phishing attack prevention more important than ever. With more

Phish-tips to Cook Juicy Attacks

Online Business — Icing on the Phisher’s Cake As businesses accelerated their digital transformation over the past year, Cyren Inbox Security has been observing huge increases in the number of phishing incidents related to User Generated Content (UGC) platforms. This increase makes sense as bad actors take advantage of business

Cyren Inbox Security: Use Email Threat Intelligence to Your Advantage

Email threat intelligence is knowledge and data about emerging security threats, such as potential phishing attacks, and how they can be stopped. Email threat intelligence is becoming increasingly important in order to identify and block new threats. Having real-time data on email threats worldwide is critical in order to stop

Users’ Power Against Phishing Attacks

Does a perfect email security solution exist? The answer is right in front of you, but not in the way you think. Tell me who your user is, I will tell who you are  We all know users are considered the weakest link in any email security program. What if

Phishing by the numbers – August 2021

This is a follow up to the July edition published last month. For this August edition of Phishing by the numbers, we’re presenting summary statistics along with a deeper dive into a specific customer. Summary Statistics In August, Cyren detected nearly 24,000 confirmed email threats that evaded detection by the

Square Enix Phishing Campaign

From July 20 until August 16, 2021, Cyren observed a significant increase in the number of Square Enix phishing URLs. The campaign coincided with 14 days of free play announced by Square Enix on July 12, 2021. During this period, we detected a total of 47,076 URLs for an average

Phishing by the numbers – July 2021

The Cyren Incident and Response research team continuously collects phishing data and identifies the most effective phishing attacks using Cyren Inbox Security (CIS), the company’s flagship Inbox Detection and Response* solution. CIS directly connects to Office 365, continuously detecting and automatically capturing phishing attacks that evade secure email gateways and

Safe Links in Office 365

According to Microsoft, Safe Links is a feature of Microsoft 365 Defender (f.k.a. Advanced Threat Protection, Microsoft Defender for Office 365) that helps protect from users clicking on malicious URLs in emails. This feature provides URL scanning as well as rewriting of inbound emails within the mail flow, and time-of-click