Category: cyren

The apologetic spammer

We’re seeing a lot of these subjects recently. We accept your apology. sorry:try to change your potency. tb sorry:bbuyy viiaqra super active plu sorry:viaaqrra sseeexual lifestyle  sorry:jbujy now viagqra ciallis sorry:viaaqrqa – have the courage to sorry:viiaqra – make xseex sorry:viagria profesfsional – your v sorry:viaaqraaq prrofeessional – you sorry:viaqgra

Search Engine Redirection Malware – How it works (and how to fix it)

Search engine redirection is usually one of the side effects of malicious software. This problem remains even after Trojans or fake antivirus are removed from the infected system. No matter what site they search for, users experience a redirection of search results and web pages to affiliated websites.  In the

Spammers feel the love on Valentine’s Day

No surprise here – Valentine’s Day spam is being widely distributed. Commtouch labs have been receiving valentine’s themed spam since January – some of the subjects used:  happy st valentine?€™s with! happy st valentine?€™s with! cgjn, valentine day sale now on gctoyota, the best valentines gifts geyr, valentine

How PDF Files Hide Malware & Malicious Code

Chances are likely that your business uses Adobe Reader on a regular basis in order to read Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Adobe Reader, formerly known as Acrobat Reader, is the number one program that is used to handle and read PDF files. Adobe Reader unfortunately has a history of

Analysis of an online phishing attack targeting Bank of America customers

The attack begins with a message that comes from a spoofed “Bank of America” sender (such as:, or See sample below (note the very advanced date):  The attached file, BillingVerification.exe, is a self-extracting archive which contains and automatically loads an html page in the recipient’s browser. The file

EXCLUSIVE!! The spam to watch for during Super Bowl XLV breaks

Yes! Take a break from the football, half-time show and amazing ads, head on over to you PC, and be on the lookout for these subjects: *hot* turnkey nfl football site for quick superbowl cash!  cash landslide means winning today thru the superbowl happy super bowl cash weekend. sure winner.

Mass emailings support change in Egypt, and now Syria

In addition to the much publicized use of Facebook and Twitter to organize protests, supporters of change in Egypt have also been using good old email to spread the word. The emails appear to be spreading using the traditional “forward this to all your contacts”. The subjects include: Stand with

Turkey Ministry of Finance vehicle sale – leads to banking Trojan

The attack starts with a spoofed email which claims to be from the Ministry of Finance in Turkey (FROM: “MALIYE BAKANLIGI”<>). Below is the translated email (courtesy of Google translate):  The RAR archive attachment which seems to include the list of cars for sale, actually contains a file with a

Malware spread via Facebook Chat

Facebook chat messages containing malicious links are being sent from compromised Facebook accounts. The messages are typically sent to all of the compromised user’s friends.  The distribution of the malware includes the following steps Legitimate website is hacked A new folder is created on the hacked site including malware (an