Category: cyren

Your AT&T wireless bill may link to malware

Large outbreaks of phony AT&T wireless emails have been distributed in the last 2 days. The emails describe very large balances ($943 in the example below), that are sure to get aggravated customers clicking on the included links.  Every link in the email leads to a different compromised site that

The Siberian Husky Puppies scam returns

I’m very excited about this email I received: “We have 3 male(Willy) (Ben) and (Max) and 3 Female ((Mimi) (Kiki) and (Baby Tina)ready for re homing to new homes .There are Outstanding AKC registered Siberian husky from multi-championship bloodlines with an awesome pedigree. Gorgeous wrinkles, nice rope across their nose,

Twitter mention spam goes for the gut

In the swirling seas of spam emails that our analysts come across every day, the anti-stomach-fat/six-pack-abs theme repeats itself quite regularly. Unless they are tricked by some fiendishly clever social engineering (see here and here), most email recipients know better than to follow links to sites promising ultimate-waistline-thin-ness. But what

BS Microsoft adCenter phishing

We’ve had loads of phishing directed at Google Adwords customers. Today we present the equivalent phishing attack directed at Microsoft adCenter users.  The phishing page is a completely convincing replica of the actual Microsoft login page. We had to be amused though by the domain set up for the phishing

The spam cloud: ep01

If you were to summarize 7.2 million spam subjects from a single day into a tag cloud – what would it look like?  er… like this! As you can see the main products being pushed today are fake watches, pharmaceuticals, enhancers and …. Xerox machines?? No – those belong to

A que famosos se parecen tus amigos? (Celebrity photo match for your friends)

It sounds like a fun application – scanning your friends profile photos and then matching them with the celbrity that they most closely resemble. If only it actually worked…  It starts with a friend’s post: Post text (in Spanish): Descubre a que famosos se parecen tus amigos en esta divertida

48% of Facebook attacks are helped along by users – Commtouch Trend Report

Our latest Internet Threats Trend Report is now available. The report covers Web threats, phishing, malware, and spam. The January 2012 Internet Threats Trend Report and accompanying infographic present a comprehensive analysis of scores of malicious Facebook activities during the past year. The report investigates the three stages of Facebook