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Category: cyren

Buying Email Security for Office 365 Has Gotten Harder

Has the success of Microsoft Office 365 exacerbated the already complex task of purchasing email security? New Buyer’s Guides give a framework and provide a checklist to get it right. Over the last few years, the way businesses use technology has undergone a complete transformation, driven by two major trends

How to Protect Your Office 365 Email Users from Phishing

Phishing emails targeting Office 365 customers are the top source of security breaches, according to survey data. In case you missed it, in 2018 phishing officially the top concern for IT and security managers who have deployed Office 365 at their companies, having eked past ransomware according to a cybersecurity

Was Sie tun können, um Office 365-E-Mail-Benutzer vor Phishing zu schützen

Phishing-E-Mails, die Office 365-Kunden anvisieren, sind Umfrageergebnissen zufolge die führende Ursache von Sicherheitsverletzungen. Falls Sie es verpasst haben: 2018 wurde Phishing offiziell zur Hauptsorge von IT- und Sicherheitsmanagern, die Office 365 in ihren Unternehmen bereitgestellt haben. Phishing übertraf laut einer Cybersicherheits-Umfrage von Osterman Research, die wir hier besprochen haben, Ransomware

Christmas Eve Warning! Malware Targeting Amazon Shoppers

  Shopping for Christmas gifts has never been easier, especially with Amazon—and who doesn’t use Amazon? This is why using fake Amazon orders is a favorite method bad actors have been using this time of year to bait rushed Christmas shoppers. As a warning to anybody (everybody?) caught up in

Office 365 Top Brand Targeted by Phishing Kits in 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, Cyren security researchers wanted to contribute to the customary year-end wrap-ups by sharing: The 20 Most Targeted Brands The 5 Most Used Phishing Kits by Attackers Three Phishing Trends to Look for in 2019  Criminals are nothing if not financial opportunists, and the boom

Office 365 Security Budgets Increase to Stop Phishing

With 78 percent of businesses that utilize Office 365 reporting one or more successful cyberattacks this year, it’s not surprising that IT managers at over half of Office 365-enabled organizations also say they’ve increased their security spending by a robust average 18 percent compared to 2017. In a survey by

Evasive Phishing is Targeting Office 365

Phishing emails targeting Office 365 customers are increasing dramatically and are the top source of security breaches, according to a new Osterman Research survey commissioned by Cyren. Fifty-four percent of organizations using Office 365 as their corporate email platform reported at least one successful phishing attack during the past 12

Fileless Malware Already Targeting Holiday Suppliers

It gets earlier and earlier. The first Yuletide-related malware campaign has already been spotted. There’s always an expected and monumental amount of consumer spam and phishing in the run-up to Black Friday and then Christmas itself, but we’ve found one malware author getting into the Christmas “spirit” in late October

Not-Really-Password-Protected Evasion Technique Resurfaces

Today we came across an e-mail with an Excel Workbook attachment, which upon first inspection appears to be password-protected. The presence of the EncryptedPackage stream in an OLE2 document indicates that it is protected by a password, which obviously would require the user to enter one in order to open

Police Phishing Attack Targets Bank Credentials

In a sophisticated criminal scheme, an email impersonating the Icelandic police was sent to thousands of Icelanders this past weekend, falsely requesting the recipient come in for questioning. Since it directly involved impersonating the authorities, who say this is the largest cyberattack to hit the country of Iceland, and included