
Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Cyren’s Email Security Engine for IP Reputation

The challenges of keeping unwanted network traffic outside of the network perimeter is never-ending. Spammers and hackers are continually evolving and changing their methods to evade traditional perimeter cybersecurity solutions. Messaging security vendors can achieve unprecedented performance and detection levels, and block zombie traffic before it even enters customer networks.

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Blocking Outbound Spam with Cyren’s Email Security Engine

Customer loss, as well as operational cost overruns, brand and reputational damage through blacklists, and even potential lawsuits are a few of the possible consequences service providers face as a result of spam coming from inside their network. Since the problem differs from inbound spam, dealing with outbound spam effectively

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Inbound Anti-Spam Solution: Catch Outbreaks with Cyren

The challenges of keeping up with the ever-changing tactics of spammers consume valuable hardware and internal personnel resources for service providers and vendors. Proven across multiple scores of deployments that happen across the globe, Cyren’s Email Security Engine for Inbound Anti-Spam delivers industry-leading detection performance to Microsoft Office 365 users,

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The Cost of NOT Getting Phished

Phishing campaigns continue to become more targeted and sophisticated, evading email gateways and Microsoft 365 Defender, and forcing businesses to increasingly rely on employees to spot suspicious messages. The statistics of potential data breaches are alarming – with some estimating that cybercrime costs will grow 15 percent per year in

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Anti-Phishing Software Solutions: What Are They?

We live in a fully digital world, where daily communication and business correspondence is done over email. While a multitude of benefits has come from this dependence on digital communication like increased productivity and efficiency, one threat persists, and it’s phishing attacks.  Phishing cybercrimes have grown exponentially over the past

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What is the Difference Between Vishing & Phishing Attacks?

Phishing attacks are an extremely common way hackers can gain access to your businesses’ sensitive or confidential information. In fact, 74% of organizations in the United States experienced a successful phishing attack. Additionally, millions of harmful site warnings are being reported every month and continue to grow as we adopt

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Email Warning Banners

by Mike Fleck Many companies use email warning banners to alert their employees to potential phishing threats. However, the banners are often based on simplistic, generic rules and users quickly learn to ignore them. Here are two examples I noticed today: If this message comes from an unexpected sender or

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