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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Twitter mention spam goes for the gut

In the swirling seas of spam emails that our analysts come across every day, the anti-stomach-fat/six-pack-abs theme repeats itself quite regularly. Unless they are tricked by some fiendishly clever social engineering (see here and here), most email recipients know better than to follow links to sites promising ultimate-waistline-thin-ness. But what

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BS Microsoft adCenter phishing

We’ve had loads of phishing directed at Google Adwords customers. Today we present the equivalent phishing attack directed at Microsoft adCenter users.  The phishing page is a completely convincing replica of the actual Microsoft login page. We had to be amused though by the domain set up for the phishing

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The spam cloud: ep01

If you were to summarize 7.2 million spam subjects from a single day into a tag cloud – what would it look like?  er… like this! As you can see the main products being pushed today are fake watches, pharmaceuticals, enhancers and …. Xerox machines?? No – those belong to

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