
Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Android NotCom malware resurfaces (with improvements)

Almost a year ago we reported the emergence of Android “NotCom” malware. Much of the malware was distributed in email links sent from compromised email accounts. What was notable then was the use of the same link to direct users to different destinations based on the visiting device. PC or

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Trouble in Europe – SEPA-Phishing-Alert

European internet mailboxes are being flooded by fake emails. The reason is a change in the European money transfer system. National bank transaction rules will soon be replaced by unified rules for all European citizens. The new system is called SEPA – Single Euro Payments Area. In the future it

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CYREN Security Yearbook

Internet Security Highlights 2013 und Ausblick 2014 CYREN bringt heute sein erstes CYREN Security Yearbook heraus. Das Jahrbuch wird in Zukunft jährlich erscheinen und bietet einen umfassenden Rückblick auf die letztjährigen Trends in der Internetsicherheit. Der Bericht beinhaltet außerdem einen Ausblick auf die kommenden Trends im Jahr 2014 und sagt

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Increase in Extra Income and Work at home Scam Mailings

CYREN’s GlobalView™ Security Lab (GSL) has detected a huge increase in spam over the last few days with the share of spam approaching 90% of all email traffic. In comparison the average spam share in January 2014 was 75%. After analyzing the traffic it became clear that one campaign was

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Always Ahead of the Threat with CYREN’s GlobalView™ Security Center

CYREN, previously operating as Commtouch® (NASDAQ: CTCH), today announced access to the CYREN Security Center, which gives the industry online insight to the latest global trends in Internet security. As a leading global information security company relied upon by the world’s largest service providers and software vendors for Web, email,

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