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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Android ransomware punishes porn viewers

Simplocker is ransomware that encrypts files on an infected Android device and then forces the user to pay a ransom fee to decrypt them. The app presents itself as a pornography player – in this case using the name “Sex xonix”. After launching the app a message appears on the

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Wolves of the Wall Street Internet

Where there is money to be made, you can be sure an Internet scammer/spammer will be there. Wall Street is no exception. In the latest pump and dump rendition, scammers acquire a large quantity of an inactive, inexpensive, “bioceutical” penny stock; in this case, 417,00 shares at $0.19 per share,

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CYREN Trend Report: Anstieg von Phishing-Angriffen auf PayPal-Nutzer

Im aktuellen CYREN Internet Threats Trend Report stellte das CYREN GlobalView™ Security Lab unter anderem fest, dass die Zahl der Phishing-Angriffe auf Nutzer von PayPal um 73 Prozent gestiegen ist.  Dieser Aufwärtstrend zeigt, dass Cyberkriminelle von weniger rentablen Spam-E-Mails auf einträglichere Angriffe umsteigen. PayPal ist dauerhaft ein beliebtes Ziel solcher

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Windows XP: The Final Goodbye

More than one month after Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP, it is amazing to note that it is still the second most widely used operating system following Windows 7. Based on the data from StatCounter Global Stats it still accounts for approximately 16% market share amongst other desktop (i.e. PC

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NSTIC Pilot for Patient-centered Coordination of Care delivers Health Information Exchange and Privacy via the Trust Network Ecosystem

SAN FRANCISCO, April 1, 2014 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — Resilient Network Systems and its Trust Network ecosystem partners are proud to announce successes from their Patient-centered Coordination of Care (PCC) pilot, funded through the U.S. Department of Commerce as part of the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC). (Source Link) As

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