
Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

419 scam uses Ebola virus tragedy

Cybercriminals will stoop to any level it seems, even using the tragedy of the Ebola virus in West Africa to steal money. In the latest “419” rendition, scammers distribute an email claiming the recipient is the beneficiary of a large amount of money left in a bank account by a

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Bank Customers Redirected to Phony Site Following ISP Hack

I was checking my bank account online when I got alarmed by my browser prompting me that the site’s certificate was invalid as shown below: Figure 1: Invalid website certificate prompt I usually don’t get this prompt since I regularly check my accounts online, so out of concern and curiosity,

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PDF Malware: Can PDFs Contain Viruses?

We have reported about executable malware files that masquerade as PDF files to trick users into opening them – but can PDFs actually contain viruses? Yes, Adobe PDF documents can, unfortunately, carry different types of viruses or even malicious executable code. Many users dismiss suggestions that these can be dangerous

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Trust in the Cloud: Security-as-a-Service

Trust in the Cloud: Security-as-a-Service You can hardly read the news today without seeing the term “the cloud”. Although the phrase is used frequently in the context of thousands of products and services, it is a somewhat imperfect concept that confuses many. Technology security experts often get asked, “What is

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Sophisticated Android ibanking Malware

A variation of the iBanking malware is making its way around Android operating systems. Detected by CYREN’s AntiVirus as Android OS/Agent.HJ, this SMS/spyware collects sensitive data from Android phones, including text messages, phone calls, and recorded audio. The malware has the capability to intercept phone calls and send text messages

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Android ransomware punishes porn viewers

Simplocker is ransomware that encrypts files on an infected Android device and then forces the user to pay a ransom fee to decrypt them. The app presents itself as a pornography player – in this case using the name “Sex xonix”. After launching the app a message appears on the

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