
Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Reconnaissance Macro Malware

We reported in our 2015 Cyber Threats Yearbook about the return of macro malware in today’s threat landscape, as we have observed malicious documents being used to deliver further malware into the system by either dropping or downloading from compromised sites. We recently acquired a malicious document, which does not

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Richard Spires’ Keynote at DGI Enterprise Architecture Conference & Expo

Richard A. Spires, CEO, Resilient Network Systems, Inc., and former CIO of the US Department of Homeland Security, will be delivering the opening Keynote presentation at the DGI: Digital Government Institute’s Enterprise Architecture Conference & Expo, the morning of April 30, 2015 (8:30am-3:00pm EDT) at the Ronald Reagan Building’s Pavilion

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Security-as-a-Service: Applied Cyber Intelligence for Enterprises

When applying the concept of trust to the security-as-a-service (SecaaS) delivery model, it is useful to think in terms of security history. With access to the Internet and email came viruses, spam drive-by downloads and phishing, and the corresponding perimeter security software and hardware to protect corporate systems. But, software

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