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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Not an April Fools’ Day Joke: Locky Ransomware

Locky is a new form of ransomware which has made headlines by holding three hospitals’ data hostage recently and encrypts a broad range of document and media formats before displaying ransom screens to infected users with payment instructions. A typical decrypt ransom is around $200 per infected system, with the

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Trust, security and privacy in IoT

I attended two workshops in February, IEEE End-to-End Trust and Security Workshop for the Internet of Things; and IEEE Experts in Technology and Policy (ETAP) Forum on Internet Governance, Cybersecurity and Privacy. I gave a brief presentation at the IoT workshop on how what we’re doing at Resilient relates to the emerging IoT space.

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Introducing CYREN’s 2016 Cyberthreat Report

Detection is NOT the New Prevention There is a false perception that sophisticated attacks are too difficult to prevent and the only alternative is detection. But detection is NOT the new prevention. Cybersecurity professionals must make it their mission to STOP attacks, not just become proficient at detecting them. It’s

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NCRIC Achieves Mission Critical Information Sharing

NCRIC centralizes the intake, analysis, and distribution of criminal and homeland security intelligence for approximately 300 organizations, encompassing 15,000 users. Providing their users with on-demand, real-time, secure access to sensitive information is the core of their mission, and also their biggest challenge. “Resilient helped us achieve our mission critical goal of

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How to Target Security in Your ECM

How to Target Security in Your ECM Role-Based Access Can Simplify and Strengthen ECM Security Congratulations—your organization has adopted a much-needed, corporate-wide mandate to implement an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system. Your mission, which you are happy to undertake, is to deal with all the issues that you face everyday

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Protecting Privacy: Easy as PII?

Protecting Privacy: Easy as PII? Psssst! Can you keep a secret? This simple childhood whisper magnifies an importance in the growing awareness of how organizations maintain the confidentiality of information they receive from individuals. The electronic world overflows with countless bytes of personal information. Online, people input all types of

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You Got Crypto Mail

In a spam campaign that we have been seeing at the end of the year, malware actors were sending out Courier Delivery Notification themed e-mails to lure users into falling prey to the infamous CryptoWall ransomware.  These attached zip files in these e-mails contained malicious javascript files, which were lamely

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