
Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Locky Adds New File Format and Attacks UK

Cyren caught a new Locky email spam campaign today which uses a new tactic, delivering the Locky downloader script component as an HTML application, specifically HTA files. The emails are disguised as voice message notifications sent by Peach Telecom, which suggests that the campaign is targeting users in the UK. 

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Locky Morphs Again: Now Delivered as DLL

We are now seeing a new wave of Locky, which has yet again updated its delivery mechanism by adding another layer of obfuscation to its downloader script, which Cyren detects as JS/Locky.AT!Eldorado. We previously reported our detection of key changes in Locky’s methods on June 27 (new sandbox evasion techniques),

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Where is Resilient headed in September?

As our SF summer winds down and we head into fall, things are heating up, and we’re not just talking about the temperature. The Resilient team is headed to 4 conferences in September, covering both government and enterprise markets, on both coasts. We are looking forward to reconnecting and meeting new

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Clean Up ROT! Make ECM Really Work For Your Company

Clean Up ROT! Make ECM Really Work For Your Company Holding on to items you don’t need around the house can cause a lot of clutter. Outdated paper documents, unwanted hostess gifts, broken knick-knacks you may or may not get around to gluing back together – usually it’s all just

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New Cyberthreat Report: A Deep Dive on Phishing

I can’t remember the last time I read the news where I didn’t see a headline that involved a business becoming a victim of cybercrime due to phishing. Both big and small organizations are targets, with CEOs falling victim to “whaling” (phishing targeted at executive staff) as often as regular

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Resilient Partners with FinalCode DRM to Protect Data Everywhere

The digital right management sector is an excellent fit for Resilient’s adaptive access management capabilities, and we are very excited to announce our partnership with FinalCode. The combined power of our two technologies will help enterprises and government agencies securely share files and collaborate across boundaries, by ensuring that the right users

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Locky Ransomware Now Embedded in Javascript

A new wave of Locky malware emails have been making the rounds since yesterday — July 20, 2016 — with a critical new development, whereby the Windows executable is now embedded in JavaScript. Essentially, the attached JavaScript file has evolved from being a downloader component into becoming the actual ransomware.

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