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Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence


Data protection initiatives are growing around the world, and after years of debate the Brazilian Federal Senate is the newest to introduce legislation governing how businesses collect, use, disclose, and process personal data. Brazil’s data protection law Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) will come into effect February 15,

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Christmas Eve Warning! Malware Targeting Amazon Shoppers

  Shopping for Christmas gifts has never been easier, especially with Amazon—and who doesn’t use Amazon? This is why using fake Amazon orders is a favorite method bad actors have been using this time of year to bait rushed Christmas shoppers. As a warning to anybody (everybody?) caught up in

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Office 365 Top Brand Targeted by Phishing Kits in 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, Cyren security researchers wanted to contribute to the customary year-end wrap-ups by sharing: The 20 Most Targeted Brands The 5 Most Used Phishing Kits by Attackers Three Phishing Trends to Look for in 2019  Criminals are nothing if not financial opportunists, and the boom

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 The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)  has been law for quite some time, but new federal data breach and compromise notification requirements went into effect November 1st, 2018. PIPEDA applies to all organizations that are federally regulated and fall under legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada, along

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What Does CCPA Mean For Us?

Growing in recent years has been consumers distrust in the methods companies have been gathering, using, and sharing their information. With major laws surrounding ePrivacy being implemented there are a few major trends emerging. On June 18th 2018, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was enacted with a plan to come in affect

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Office 365 Security Budgets Increase to Stop Phishing

With 78 percent of businesses that utilize Office 365 reporting one or more successful cyberattacks this year, it’s not surprising that IT managers at over half of Office 365-enabled organizations also say they’ve increased their security spending by a robust average 18 percent compared to 2017. In a survey by

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Evasive Phishing is Targeting Office 365

Phishing emails targeting Office 365 customers are increasing dramatically and are the top source of security breaches, according to a new Osterman Research survey commissioned by Cyren. Fifty-four percent of organizations using Office 365 as their corporate email platform reported at least one successful phishing attack during the past 12

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Fileless Malware Already Targeting Holiday Suppliers

It gets earlier and earlier. The first Yuletide-related malware campaign has already been spotted. There’s always an expected and monumental amount of consumer spam and phishing in the run-up to Black Friday and then Christmas itself, but we’ve found one malware author getting into the Christmas “spirit” in late October

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