
Insights on Data Security & Threat Intelligence

Top Data Retention and Budget Challenges Solved

With busy schedules, a need for instant delivery, and desire to leave a trail for tracking, it’s not surprising that a Gartner study revealed nearly 60% of the average business’ critical data is stored in e-mail. Internal communication and client exchanges are saved somewhere in the mass of personal content and overlooked

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Phishing Targeting Real Estate Firms

Stories about real estate hacking and particularly phishing have appeared with increasing frequency in newspaper and blog headlines. Stories like the cybercriminals who stole client contact information from a DC-area real estate company, and with the information then created a “business email compromise” (BEC) scam, which resulted in $1.5 million

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How to Identify Apple Phishing Email Scams

Recently, a lot of phishing campaigns have been moving the embedded links from the body of an email into an attachment, to increase the odds of evading detection. We theorize this is a kind of “social engineering” ploy to move the user along quickly and get them into a clicking

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Emotet: From a Banking Trojan to One of the Most Advanced Botnets

In 2014, the Emotet malware started as a banking Trojan targeting European bank customers. Back then, nobody expected this malware would evolve into one of the most dangerous botnets in the world. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Emotet malware and its eponymous botnet, as its versatility

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Emotet: Von einem Bank-Trojaner zu einem der fortgeschrittensten Botnets

2014 begann die Emotet-Malware als Bank-Trojaner, der europäische Bankkunden ins Visier nahm. Damals erwartete niemand, dass sich diese Malware zu einem der gefährlichsten Botnets weltweit entwickeln würde. Uns haben viele Fragen zur Emotet-Malware und dem gleichnamigen Botnet erreicht. Seine Vielseitigkeit hat dazu geführt, dass es weit verbreitet ist (eine Analyse

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Exciting New Way to Authenticate on Android 7 phones & Resilient is Ready!

Resilient Network Systems believes FIDO2/WebAuthN has the potential to dramatically improve the security and privacy of identity on the web, while dramatically simplifying the user’s task of registering and authenticating their identity.  WebAuthN became an official WC3 Standard today, March 4, 2019, and FIDO2 is achieving broad industry endorsement and support

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Compliant Productivity: Embracing “Millennial” Communication Tools While Maintaining Compliance

From employee communication apps like Slack to personal text messages, today’s organizations rely on modern tech for all aspects of their workplace productivity. This shift in how businesses communicate requires a shift in how businesses achieve compliant productivity. More than 40% of Fortune 100 companies today use Slack for internal collaboration and communication. Within these companies, dozens

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Ransomware Overshadowed by Phishing, But It’s Not Dead Yet

According to several recent surveys, phishing may have surpassed ransomware as the top concern for IT and security managers, and there may not be a single ransomware out there to capture the collective imagination like Locky did in 2016, but don’t be misled—ransomware continues alive and well. Recent targeted Ryuk

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