
ForEx Stat Arb Malware disguised as PDF steals user data

Statistical arbitrage (abbreviated as Stat Arb or StatArb) as opposed to (deterministic) arbitrage, is associated with the statistical mispricing of one or more assets based on the expected value of these assets. (So now you know…). The attachment in the high-priority email below claims to be a plan for foreign ready for IPv6 day – 8th June 2011

(Adapted from On 8 June, 2011, Commtouch, Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, and Akamai will be amongst some of the major organizations that will offer their content over IPv6 for a 24-hour “test flight”. The goal of the Test Flight Day is to motivate organizations across the industry – Internet service

Scam: Help! – I’m stuck in Valencia and need some money

This is not a new scam. But we wanted to add our recently received examples to the many already published all over the Internet simply to increase awareness. These scams are clearly successful since a percentage of those approached are not aware of the scam and will actually send the

Planning a spam campaign – this is what it will cost

Have you ever wondered how much spammers pay to a botnet owner for sending out vast numbers of emails? The email below gives some indication. Prices are for various target groups in Russia. It’s not exactly free – but $425 for 9 million recipients (second line) isn’t bad. Translated text

Tag-cloud – 419 email names, countries and job titles

The basic 419 (advance fee fraud) email usually spins one of these tales: A soldier in a war area wants to share some money he found  A government official is trying to get some money out the country A bank official has some money to distribute You’ve won a lottery

More spam mail-merge fail

We would love to “find more info here”… We really would!   I guess thats why it says “Try“.

The iPhone 5 virus

Most rumors have the iPhone 5 arriving sometime in September. Today we received a malicious email that exploits the hype surrounding the not-so-imminent release. The email describes the “iPhone 5G S” (hope Apple is not taking notes). The text and forged images group together several of the rumors about the

More e-Cigarette spam

A few weeks ago we blogged about a new spam trend we have noticed that focuses on e-cigarettes. That post contained a spam example in French. 

Phishing – going the extra mile (with virtual keyboard)

Part of the complete engineering of phishing attacks is the authentic look of the actual phishing site. There are traditional bank phishing pages with simple username, password combinations such as this Lloyds phishing site:   But what’s a phisher to do if the authentic site adds more complex features – like